Presentation and Q&A: Brave new world - Global progams and the digital future
Date & Time
Wednesday, June 28, 2023, 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM

Multinationals around the world are turning to digitization to significantly improve the way they organise and manage their cross-border operations. They are naturally expecting their carriers to do the same and deliver greater transparency, efficiency and ultimately contract certainty. This session will ask the following questions:
- How could and should digitization be used to deliver a better and deeper understanding of risk at the outset and help deliver a more collaborative and positive relationship between risk managers, brokers and insurers?
- How could and should insurers use digitization to improve the delivery and management of global programs?
- How can new technologies be used to speed up systems and improve data collection and analytics, including 24/7 accessibility and real-time updates?
- How can API technology enable a more streamlined, real-time exchange of data between stakeholders?
- What are the potential gaps that can be more easily identified and addressed?
- What are the challenges presented by the evolving nature of the co-insurance market in this area?