Panel discussion: Captives
Date & Time
Wednesday, September 13, 2023, 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM
David Vigier, HDI Global
Philippe Cotelle, FERMA
Robert Geraghty, Marsh
Marco Adamo, Swiss Re Corporate Solutions
Philippe Cotelle, FERMA
Robert Geraghty, Marsh
Marco Adamo, Swiss Re Corporate Solutions

Captives have clearly become a hot topic during the tough market of the last four years and are potentially a great way of delivering greater resilience for individual companies and the wider economy. This session will investigate recent developments in the world of European captives - not least the new rules adopted in France to promote self-insurance and captives – and how self-insurance tools can be used to more effectively manage and transfer their risk.
- How to use your captive/deductible/self-retention strategy to cope with the hard market and achieve greater resilience on a more cost-effective basis.
- How to use your captive to incubate difficult to insure risks as retentions continue to rise.