Invitation only – AIG training breakfast: Navigating multinational risks

Accredited multinational insurance training

Build your knowledge of multinational risks and develop skills to deliver successful multinational programmes around the world.

Trainer: Karen Jury, Head of Multinational UK, AIG

Key content:

  • Become familiar with the options available to insure risks around the globe
  • Explore key design features of Controlled Master Programmes, including the use of: Difference in Conditions (DIC) and Difference in Limits (DIL) and Financial Interest Clause (FIC)
  • Learn more about the importance of compliance in executing Controlled Master Programmes
  • Discover the benefits of a Controlled Master Programme for clients and brokers

Delegates can record 1 CPD hour against their annual requirement after carrying out this training, in the following link: CII CPD tool

Karen Jury, AIG UK Ltd
Karen Jury
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
7:45 AM - 8:45 AM