Mind the gap
Date & Time
Thursday, November 28, 2024, 11:15 AM - 12:00 PM
Vanessa Priede, Swiss Re
Antonio Vianello, Generali
Gautam Iyer, Marsh
Emma Loynes, Lloyds
Shiwei Jin, AXA XL
Rod Guillard, Aon
Antonio Vianello, Generali
Gautam Iyer, Marsh
Emma Loynes, Lloyds
Shiwei Jin, AXA XL
Rod Guillard, Aon

Global programmes can cover a range of risks and territories, with admitted and non-admitted covers and overlying covers. As a result, there is a huge potential for gaps in coverage, with losses potentially falling into the cracks. With numerous operations in different territories, ensuring blanket coverage is a must. This session will look at:
- Gaps and how to avoid them – gaps in cover, whether primary or umbrella, terms and conditions, missing coverage
- The crucial role of DIC/DIL covers
- Where are the pinch points in global programmes?
- How to obtain certainty and uniformity whilst maintaining compliance and keeping costs down