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Full NameCompanyJob TitleProfile PictureSpeaker BioSpeaking At
Rosalie AndréSignifyHead of Insurance and Risk ManagementRosalie AndréRosalie André is responsible for Signify Insurances and Risk Management Department (IRMD). This department aims to protect the balance sheet of Signify from losses related to operational risks by means of risk transfer and risk management. Our objective is to optimize risk retention and transfer, leverage Signify buying power in insurance market and stimulate risk awareness and risk management. In 1997 Rosalie graduated in business management in Paris and in 2010 obtained a Master of science in Enterprise Risk Management at the University of Amsterdam.Presentation & panel discussion: Impact of ESG on renewals
Barry BeardChubbDirector of European Global Services & Complex MultinationalBarry BeardBarry has more than 20 years of insurance industry experience. He is among others, responsible for helping clients deal with complex multinational captive programmes. Previously, he was Head of Credit Management for Chubb's European, Eurasia & Africa and Asia Pacific divisions. In his Chubb career, he has worked in both London and Philadelphia, gaining in-depth knowledge and contributing to building Chubb's multinational capabilities, technology and thought leadership. Prior to joining Chubb (then ACE) in 2004, Barry worked for Sedgwick (now Marsh), Thomson Financial and then A.M. Best, as a senior credit risk analyst.Panel discussion: New dawn for captives in Europe?
William BruceAonGlobal Managing Director, Climate Risk ConsultingWilliam BruceWilliam has 23 years risk consulting experience and leads Aon’s global climate risk consulting team, which works to support clients through profiling and quantifying the risks and opportunities arising from the climate transition. Before joining Aon, William was at WTW from 2016-2022, where he was Global Head of Enterprise Risk Consulting, Risk & Analytics and responsible for Transition Risk engagements for corporates, working with organisations to help them identify and assess threats and opportunities from a changing climate. From 2007-2016 William worked at Marsh where he was responsible for consulting services across industries and a member of the management team.Presentation & panel discussion: Impact of ESG on renewals
Adriana CavaliereskeyesSenior Manager RiskAdriana Cavaliere_Presentation & panel discussion: Impact of ESG on renewals
Nadine CoudelHowdenHead of Climate and Nature-related LiabilityNadine CoudelAs a France-based Director in Howden’s Climate Risk and Resilience Team, Nadine is responsible for the climate and nature-related liability work, including stakeholder engagement, collaboration with legal and academic partners, development of advisory and analytics products and services, team management, and the delivery of client projects. Nadine advises on how legal risks, that may relate to both low-carbon transition risks and physical climate risks, can arise from new climate-related regulations, law and litigation, as well as compliance with existing law and may impact on the business and financial services sectors.Presentation & panel discussion: Greenwashing – collective redress and ESG ratings
Karl DeGiovanniAonDirector of Client Solutions, EMEA – Captive & Insurance ManagementKarl DeGiovanniKarl is responsible for the generation of new business opportunities for Aon's Captive and Insurance Management ("ACIM") business and by extension, Aon's Global Risk Consulting business and the wider Aon. Focused on contributing to new business and growth by articulating the value and differentiation of ACIM both internally and externally and to identify and develop new business opportunities. Karl supports ACIM offices in the EMEA region to realize their new business objectives, supporting in growth initiatives, embedding business development discipline, and fostering the requisite acumen. Karl’s career with Aon spans 16 years, working in Guernsey, Gibraltar, and Malta. During this time, he set up and managed numerous captives and protected cells, sitting on the Boards of most of the captives under his management.Panel discussion: New dawn for captives in Europe?
Gabrielle DurischAllianz CommercialGlobal Head of Sustainability SolutionsGabrielle DurischGabrielle is leading Allianz Commercial’s ESG and Sustainability business strategy and is working with industry experts across Allianz Commercial, as well as with customers and brokers to design and develop innovative products and services to support the transition to net zero and broader sustainability objectives – an essential element to this is identifying key partnerships. Prior to joining Allianz, Gabrielle held various roles at Zurich Insurance in finance, claims and group underwriting – the last of which was Head of Sustainability for Commercial Insurance, where she successfully embedded sustainability competencies across the organisation.Presentation & panel discussion: Impact of ESG on renewals
carl leemankatoen natie international s.a.CROcarl leeman-Keynote session: Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
Gaetan LEFEVREJohn Cockerill - BELRIMHead of Risk Management and InsuranceGaetan LEFEVRE-Presentation & panel discussion: Greenwashing – collective redress and ESG ratings
Liliana Lizarazo-RodriguezCentre for Environment, Economy and Energy - Vrije Universiteit BrusselResearch ProfessorLiliana Lizarazo-RodriguezLiliana is a Research Professor in Sustainable Development Law at the Brussels School of Governance (Vrije Universiteit Brussel). She is an expert in the areas of Business & Human Rights and Law and Sustainable Development. She is the principal investigator project CURIAE VIRIDES, funded by the European Research Council (ERC Str. Grant 909496). Liliana has conducted extensive research on responsible corporate conduct in the framework of value chain activities. Liliana obtained her PhD at the Department of Interdisciplinary Study of Law, Private Law and Business Law of the University of Ghent.Keynote session: Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
Richard PughEndavaHead of Data & AI StrategyRichard PughRich is Head of Data & AI Strategy at Endava, helping clients to understand and leverage the opportunity presented by Data & AI to create new business models. Rich trained as a data scientist, founding and growing one of the most recognisable data science consultancies before moving into a leadership advisory role. He uses his knowledge as a data practitioner to help businesses create pragmatic data strategies and identify impactful use cases. Rich is also on the Executive Council at the Royal Statistical Society, and has been a member of the DataIQ ‘100 Most Influential people in Data’ list for the last 4 years.Closing debate: How can AI help corporate risk and insurance managers to remain relevant and competitive in the European market?
Tom ReingraberCMSSenior AssociateTom Reingraber-Presentation & panel discussion: Greenwashing – collective redress and ESG ratings
Dorien RookmakerEuropean ParliamentMEPDorien Rookmaker-Keynote session: Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
Panel discussion: Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive – What is the impact on insurers?
Bart SmetsUmicoreHead Insurance & RiskBart SmetsAfter graduation from the Brussels University as Master in Law, Bart started to work as an insurance broker for a former Fortis company (Afidif). He then spent about 15 years of his career as an international insurance broker with companies like Willis Towers Watson and Van Breda Risk and Benefits, during which time he obtained a Master in Insurance and Risk Management from the University of Leuven. In 2012, he joined Eurofins SE, an international life sciences company which provides analytical testing services across multiple industries as their Global Risk and Insurance Manager. Since May 2017, Bart is heading the Insurance and Risk department at Umicore, a global materials technology and recycling group.Closing debate: How can AI help corporate risk and insurance managers to remain relevant and competitive in the European market?
Oskar van de WeijerCMS NetherlandsPartnerOskar van de Weijer-Presentation & panel discussion: Greenwashing – collective redress and ESG ratings
Bart van GysegemAonMajor Accounts DirectorBart van Gysegem-Panel discussion: Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive – What is the impact on insurers?
Jan VerhulstAlecto ConsultingDigital Forensics ExpertJan VerhulstJan Verhulst is the founder of Blacklynx Cybersecurity and the voice behind the Blacklynx Brief, a newsletter focused on the latest in cyber and AI news. With a rich career including roles at SWIFT and Euroclear, he has particular expertise in digital forensic investigations and fraud detection. He works for large insurers as a digital forensics expert in a partnership with Alecto Consulting. In his newsletter he actively explores the impact of AI on cybersecurity. Combining business know-how with technical skills, Jan offers a well-rounded perspective on cybersecurity and the emergent field of artificial intelligence.Closing debate: How can AI help corporate risk and insurance managers to remain relevant and competitive in the European market?
Tom VermeirenAlecto ConsultingSenior Loss AdjusterTom VermeirenDr Tom Vermeiren is Senior Loss Adjuster at Alecto Consulting and focuses on BI insurance claims. He worked for more than 20 years as a management consultant at PwC in strategy and finance. He has strong expertise in the port industry and tackles challenges such as climate change. Tom is increasingly focusing on coaching companies on sustainability by guiding and challenging them in the paradox of Profit and Sustainability. He brings cleantech innovations from InnoEnergy to companies in Belgium.Keynote session: Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive
Panel discussion: Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive – What is the impact on insurers?
David VigierHDI GlobalCaptives Services and Claims Strategy DirectorDavid VigierDavid started as facultative underwriter at French State Owned Reinsurer CCR and then joined AIG where he led Captives services and ART practice in France, Belgium and Luxembourg overlooking books of global insurance programs for major accounts for 12 years. He then joined Europcar Mobility Group and served for 6 years as Group Director, Insurance and Risk Management. More recently he served 4 years as CCO and member of the executive committee at Sanlam Pan Africa. Over the last two and a half years he was CCO and member of the executive committee at loss survey firm Erget.Panel discussion: New dawn for captives in Europe?